Alpha Win Hudson Valley Walkway Over the Hudson Review

Hilary Topper with her medal

At the Alpha Win Hudson Valley Marathon on the breathtaking Walkway Over the Hudson, participants had many options – from the full marathon to a half, a 10K, a 5K, and even a 1-mile dash. I chose to run the 10K.

What I deeply admire about Alpha Win is their commitment to inclusivity in racing, offering distances for every level of runner. This ethos garners my respect and solidifies my support for their events.

Saturday Evening Adventures

event check in

The night before the race, some of my running partners from the WeREndurance Run/Walk group, Marc, Trish, and I made our way to Saugerties, NY. Our home base was a charming cottage belonging to the Diamond Mills Hotel, a trek that took us over two and a half hours.

After settling in briefly, we ventured out to Poughkeepsie, about a 45-minute drive, where we picked up our race packets at the Mid-Hudson Discovery Museum. The packets were delightful, featuring a gorgeous glass boasting the race logo and a high-quality technical t-shirt.

I had the honor of speaking at the pre-race event, sharing insights from my book, From Couch Potato to Endurance Athlete, and hopefully imparting some motivation to the runners gathered there.

Hilary Speaking

Following the presentation, Marc, Trish and I had a lovely dinner back at Blackbarn at Diamond Mills. The food and the view was spectacular.

Race Day Revelations

We left Saugerties at 6:15 AM sharp, arriving at the race site by 7 AM. A gracious gesture from the race director afforded us VIP parking – a godsend, given the rainy forecast.

Jackie, Marc, Trish and Hilary

By 7:05 AM, Marc, Trish, Jackie (another teammate racing the 10K), and I were at the starting line, eager and ready.

The 10K commenced at 8 AM, taking us across the majestic Walkway Over the Hudson. This pedestrian bridge offers unparalleled views of the river and its environs, providing a mile or so of scenic vistas before continuing onto a flat, paved rail trail.

Race start

Despite a drizzly beginning, the rain didn’t truly start until we were well into the race. Marc and I tackled the course together initially, opting for a 30-second run/15-second walk interval strategy. After the second mile, Marc picked up the pace, and I cheered him on to chase a personal record as he pulled ahead at the turnaround.

It was heartwarming to see Trish and Jackie post-turnaround – there’s something special about racing alongside friends.

start line

Miles four and five were particularly joyous for me. Thanks to my GoSleeve, my knee was hassle-free, and the combination of scenic beauty, course layout, and my playlist kept me in my happy place.

Approaching mile 5.8, Jim, who was running the half marathon, caught up, offering a friendly “hey coach” as he passed – a moment of déjà vu from last year that brought a smile to my face.

Crossing the Finish Line

Entering the final stretch, the energy was palpable, with spectators encouraging us to muster whatever we had left. I maintained my pace, crossing the finish line with a surge of emotion.

Tommy and Hilary

Tommy, the Race Director and announcer for Alpha Win, did a stellar job highlighting the athletes’ triumphant finishes.

Post-Race Reflections

Hilary, Marc, and Ray

At the conclusion of the race, we met up with Ray, Monica and Jim, all members of our run/walk team.

with monica

The rain intensified as we concluded, prompting Marc, Trish, and I to seek refuge and food at a local diner, foregoing the awards ceremony.

Discovering later that Trish, Jackie, and I had each placed in our age groups was the cherry on top of an already fulfilling day. While we may have missed our moment on the podium, the joy of our achievement was undiminished.

with Jim

This Alpha Win event was another for the books – memorable, inspiring, and a topic of conversation for years to come.

Thanks, Tommy, Julia and the rest of the Alpha Win crew for making this another amazing race!