I've been running now for four years. This past year I completed two half marathons -- one in March and one in May. So running 8 miles is something I'm used to. But for some reason, today's run was treacherous! My coach had 8 miles on the Training Peaks schedule, so...
Beginner Triathlon Training: The Bicycle Dilemma
Learning to do a lot of new things has definitely been a challenge for me. I never would have thought that it would have been this hard to do a triathlon. No one tells you how hard it really is! When I saw the post about an upcoming Captiva Tri,...
My First Brick Workout
I got a call from my friend, Constance asking me if I were going to do the Brick over the weekend. "I hadn't heard about it," I told her. She said "you will." Later that day, my Coach called and told me Tri-Global, the tri team I recently joined, was going to...
Buying my first wet suit
My coach, Richie Caiazza invited me along with the entire team of Tri-Global, on a brick workout over the weekend. After talking with Bryan Krut of Open Water Swim LI, I realized I needed a wet suit and needed it now. Talking with Bryan Krut about Wetsuits When I asked...
Beginner Triathlon Training: A Weekend Workout
The weekend started with a bike ride along the Wantagh Parkway (south shore of Long Island) with my husband. He's much stronger than I am so when he lead, it was hard to keep up. We rode over two narrow bridges (which scared me especially since other bicycles were coming in the...
Beginner Triathlon Training: My First “Alone” Ride
I wanted to wake up at 5:30 am but my alarm never went off, so I woke up at 6:30 am instead. Since I had to make sure my son got to school, I had to wait another hour or so before I could go for my 45 minute ride....
First few weeks in the pool
The other day, I was at the municipal pool in our town doing laps. I looked up and saw two women standing in the next lane chatting. I recognized them both. I went to High School with both of them and they were on the swim team. I pulled off...
Beginner Triathlon Training: My Training in Week One!
My checklist: hired Coach Rich and joined Tri-Global bought a rode bike bought a Garmin 910xt bought swim suits and nose plugs (that kept slipping off my nose so I couldn't wear them) bought riding shorts to soften my ride hired a swim instructor signed up for Open Water Swim...
Beginner Triathlon Training: Picking Up the Road Bike
A day after I bought the Trek Silque Road Bike, I went back to Brickwell with my husband, Brian, and picked it up. Brian had been with me the day before and at first was discouraging me from spending the money on a Road Bike. "What do you need it...
Beginner Triathlon Training: I Signed Up for a Triathlon, Now What?
Ever think about doing a Triathlon? Ever think about how the athletes transition from one sport to the next? Marti DiPaola and I signed up for the Captiva Tri in September 2014. But we didn't realize what we were getting ourselves into! It sounded like a cool challenge but what...