This has been a year of injuries. I've encountered silly little things like spraining my wrist to stubbing and breaking my toe. Because of that, I've had my share of being on the sidelines. But being on the sidelines doesn't mean you can't have fun! Signing up for races I...
It Could Always Be Much Worse!
I stubbed and broke my toe. When I went to the Urgent Care doctor, she told me to stay off it for six weeks. "No activity. No swimming. No cycling. And, no running!" she told me. It could always be worse. Depression set in immediately following the visit. What about...
Are there Coincidences in Triathlons?
The strangest thing happened. Some would call it a coincidence in triathlons. Others may say, there are no such things as coincidences in triathlons or anywhere else for that matter. Nearly a year ago, a woman, named Gina, reached out to me requesting that I review her newly designed kit....
What is a Hyperbaric Chamber and Can it be Used for Recovery?
Lately, there have been some really interesting ways to help with recovery. From Cryotherapy and compression therapy to rollers that look like car buffers and heated therapy balls. There's always something new and exciting out there to help with recovery. But, what is a hyperbaric chamber and can it be...
Running 8 Miles in South Florida
Having two major half marathons coming right up, I knew I needed to run 8 miles when I was in South Florida, visiting my dad. Problem was, I wasn't sure where to go! I was staying at the Hampton Inn on Commercial Blvd near the Florida Turnpike, about 20 minutes...
Triathlon Training: Are We Crazy?
At the end of last season, I continued to swim, bike and run. I remembered why I started to do this and how much enjoyment I get from training. But as the new year got underway, I started to think, "Are we crazy?" I was on the bike trainer doing...
Slow Runner? Fast Runner? Who Cares?
Nike's message has been Just Do It, which to me says that just doing something is better than not doing anything at all. Recently, with the controversial commercial that Nike just launched with Colin Kaepernick, the message now seems to be "Don't be the Fastest, be the Fastest Ever." Doesn't...
A Look Back at 2018
I had a plan in January 2018. I was going to race in St. Anthony's in April and compete in my first half Ironman in September. But, that never happened. The year started off well, my family and I went on a cruise to CUBA and I was all geared...
St. Croix’s Beauty & the Beast Triathlon Race Review
Whenever there is a triathlon not in your own backyard, you wonder, is it worth going? There's so much logistics between what to pack, how to travel with the bike, is the location worthy of the challenge and more! Beauty & the Beast Triathlon Beauty & the Beast, St. Croix's...
Product Review: Pain Remedi
Product Review: Pain Remedi If you're reading this blog, you are like me, always working out. And with working out, comes fatigue and sore muscles. It's just part of the territory. A new start up company approached me to check out samples of their product called Pain Remedi. The owner,...