A few months ago, I went to the adidas outlet in Deer Park, Long Island, and bought myself my first tracksuit. It was thrilling because I never ran on the track team, let alone ran track in High School. As you know, I started running at 48 and started competing...
Are all Flip-Flops the Same?
Most flip-flops are completely flat, have a little cushion, and are good for walking around the beach or the pool. Then, there are some products that are particularly cushioned and have a bounce to them. Unfortunately, neither extreme works for me especially when I need something at the pool. Recently,...
Zealios Race Relief Product Review
You know when you go for a long bike ride, swim, and or run, and your muscles feel sore right away? That's the time to grab your Zealios Race Relief and apply it to the sore areas. What's so special about Race Relief? Well for starters, it has 4% menthol...
Crescent CBD Sleep Gummies Review
Who can sleep? If you're like me, you are all wound up from stress between family, work, and training that sleep, which is so important for us as athletes, gets neglected. That's why when I saw that Crescent Canna, a sponsor of this blog, had a new Crescent CBD Sleep...
Wonder Pax – Is It Worth It?
When my cousin, my friend, and I walked around the Rock 'n Roll Marathon Expo in Las Vegas, we stumbled upon Wonder Pax, a company that aggressively pulled us into the booth. They immediately wrapped my cousin's knee in a heat pack and she was impressed. I had no interest...
Lactigo Review
When you work out in the pool do your shoulders and lats bother you? Or, when you're running, do you feel the backs of your legs start to cramp up? I get aches and pains all the time. So when Max Pringle of LatiGo reached out to me and asked...
Seeking the Angels Help?
Just as Reiki, Yoga, and meditation are beneficial to your performance as an endurance athlete, the angels can also help you with guidance. Now, that may sound a bit weird and out of character for this blog, but I'll tell you, I was taken aback. Getting a reading My running...
Are Supplements Worth it?
Craig Dinkel is a sprint freestyle and fly swimmer. He trained and competed for years on a world-class level. He was coached by two different Olympic coaches as well as the second-winningest swim coach in NCAA history in all divisions. Today, he focuses more on endurance sports and created a...
Best CBD on the Market | Crescent Canna Review
With so many different CBD companies on the market, how do you determine what makes one better than the next? According to Healthline, CBD products range from 20 mg to 1500 mg. The higher the dosage the more money you will spend on the product. Most of the CBD brands...
Six Tips on Staying Positive During Injury
Injuries are a part of life for a runner, triathlete, or endurance athlete. It's just something that we have to deal with and the injury comes when we least expect it to occur. When it happens, everything comes to a halt. Now what? How do we deal with the drop...