Epsom-It Muscle Recovery and Calming Foot Lotion Review


Could you imagine not bathing with Epsom salt but instead using a cream that does the same thing? Today, we will focus on two products by the same maker:  Epsom-It Muscle Recovery and Epsom-It Calming Foot Lotion.

Epsom-It Muscle Recovery

Training for a triathlon can take quite a toll on our muscles. From long runs to intense swims and grueling bike rides, our muscles are regularly put through their paces. That’s where Epsom-It Muscle Recovery lotion comes in.

Epsom-It Muscle Recovery lotion harnesses the power of Epsom salt (magnesium sulfate) in a convenient, easy-to-apply lotion1. Traditionally, athletes have turned to Epsom salt baths for muscle recovery. However, this product delivers the same benefits without needing a soak.

The lotion is quickly absorbed, leaving no greasy residue, and goes to work immediately to relieve muscle tension and soreness2. It’s perfect for targeting specific areas that need attention, like calves after a long run or shoulders after a swim session.

In terms of results, I’ve found it to be incredibly effective. After applying the lotion post-workout, I noticed a significant reduction in muscle soreness and tightness. It seemed to speed up my recovery process, allowing me to bounce back quicker for my next training session.

Epsom-It Calming Foot Lotion

Let’s not forget about our feet, which bear the brunt of our running sessions. The Epsom-It Calming Foot Lotion is designed to soothe and revitalize tired, aching feet.

Like the Muscle Recovery lotion, the Calming Foot Lotion utilizes the power of Epsom salt, but with an added blend of calming essential oils like lavender and chamomile3. The result is a lotion that not only soothes sore feet but also promotes relaxation.

The lotion is easily absorbed and leaves your feet feeling refreshed and relaxed. The scent of the essential oils is a bonus, providing a calming effect after a tough training day.

I found that applying this lotion before bed helped me unwind and promoted better sleep. Plus, my feet felt less sore and more ready for the next day’s run.

Wrap Up

Both Epsom-It Muscle Recovery and Epsom-It Calming Foot Lotion are game changers for triathletes. They deliver the benefits of Epsom salt without the need for a bath, making recovery simpler and more efficient. So, if you’re looking for ways to boost your post-workout recovery and relaxation, these products are definitely worth a try.