How to Alleviate Knee Pain When Sitting

Angglz knee

Hilary Topper on Air Episode 515

In episode 515, Hilary Topper interviews Lana Tobin of Lana just invented a new product for people experiencing pain while they sit. Find out more here.

Here are the questions:

Lana, can you start by telling me what inspired you to start What was the driving force behind launching this business?
2. What was your vision for when you first started?
3. Can you tell us more about the main products at Angglz? What makes them unique compared to others in the market?
4. What has been one of the biggest challenges you’ve faced as an entrepreneur, and how have you overcome it?
5. How does Angglz stand out in such a competitive market? What do you think sets your business apart?
6. Can you describe your typical customer? Who’s gravitating toward your products, and why do they love them?
7. What’s one piece of advice you’d give to someone who’s looking to start their own business?
8. What’s next for Are there any exciting projects or products on the horizon?
9. Where can listeners learn more about Angglz and explore your products?

Discount Code

Go to HTTP:// and use code Hilary15 for 15% off any of her products to alleviate knee pain. You can also buy it on Amazon here:


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