The makers of Luxe reached out to me to see if I would be interested in checking out their protein powder. Since I’m a big advocate of protein shakes, I agreed.
I was also impressed that it’s a woman-owned company making products that are women-specific.
The New Zealand company uses premium grass-fed whey protein in this women-specific protein powder. They say they have the cleanest and highest quality whey in the world (grade 7).
To use it, use 2 scoops into water, milk or milk alternative product. I use Almond Milk and throw in some blueberries, a little oatmeal and walnuts or pecans.
Luxe Fitness Protein has 20 grams of protein and only 1 gram of sugar.

Luxe Women’s Protein Powder is used to support muscle growth and strength and muscle recovery after exercise. It does contain milk and soy.
Other products offered from Luxe Fitness
Luxe Fitness Ultra Sleep Burner – The ultra sleep burner is used in conjunction with your regular routine and the powder helps you burn fat while you sleep.
Luxe Fitness Burner Gummies – I got these in pineapple and they were yummy delicious. They are used in conjunction with weight management, fat burning, de-bloating, appetite balance, curb cravings and help boost metabolism.
What I think
I’ve tasted a lot of whey protein and I can 100 percent say this is the best-tasting whey protein I have ever had. I love the way it makes my shakes thicken, and it absolutely tastes delicious. I find it gives me the energy and stamina I need to keep going. You can pick it up on their website or on Amazon. Here’s the link: