I have seen RXBAR’s in many of the supermarkets and health food stores around the NY area, but it wasn’t until I was in Berkeley, California that I decided to try one out.
At the Berkeley Bowl
Standing in an all-natural supermarket called, Berkeley Bowl, at the protein bar aisle looking at the wall of bars, a young woman walked up to me and said, “try the RXBar, it’s all natural and there’s nothing else in it besides what it describes. All of the other bars are not natural.”
“Hmm…,” I said as I looked at the ingredients.

What’s in it?
The RXBar had 12 grams of protein (that’s a good amount for a little bar), 3 egg whites, 6 almonds, 4 cashews, and 2 dates. It also had Blueberries and natural flavors for taste.
This gluten free product has 210 calories, perfect for a long run or ride. It does contain sugar, but that’s from the fruit. It also is manufactured in a facility that also processes peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, milk, soy and wheat, for those of you who have allergies.
I really didn’t think I would like it. I’m from the generation where processed foods ruled. But, I decided to give it a try.
So, what did I think?
As I was flying home from San Francisco Airport to JFK, I decided to test it out. I took a bite. “Hmmm, this is actually pretty good,” I thought. I took another bite and another and another until the bar was gone.
I liked the RXRBar. I will certainly buy more of these and use them as a meal replacement when I’m on the go or traveling. They are sold at Whole Foods and some of the other all natural food outlets, you can purchase on the RXBAR website for $15.99 for 10 bars and up or you can find them on Amazon!