As I’ve been getting more and more into MetPro, a concierge service that analyzes a person’s specific response to diet and activity, and adjusts based on their personal needs and goals, I realize that proper nutrition and hydration make a massive difference in performance and diet. When the Sports Nutrition Handbook arrived, I was thrilled to delve in and learn as much as possible.
Sports Nutrition Handbook – East Smart Be Healthy Get on Top of your Game, was written by Justyna Mizera and Krysztof Mizera. It contains questions that we all ask, for example, “should we eat before we exercise?” “Is it worth it to eliminate all carbs in order to lose weight?” “How do you get the most out of your workout?” “How much water should you drink?” “Should you load up on carbs before a race?”

Sports Nutrition Handbook answered all of those questions and more! It even discussed drinking beer after a race and the pros and cons of that. (More cons than pros on that one!)
The book made me think about the way I’ve always handled workouts. For example, for years, I never ate anything before a workout/run. Now, I force myself to eat something. The book re-iterates what MetPro has taught me. It put everything into perspective.
Sports Nutrition Handbook takes different endurance sports and provides a sample menu. It also includes some healthy recipes.
Although I find the whole macro and micronutrients a hard subject to understand, the book was well written and tried to simplify some of the complex terms.
If you want to learn more about what you should and should not eat to make you a more efficient athlete, check out Sports Nutrition Handbook, published by VeloPress. It’s also on Amazon.