Longer Long Runs Increasing the length of the longest long run has produced the greatest amount of improvement that I've seen among my coaching clients. Several surveys have shown more than 13 minutes of time improvement when runners increase their longest long run from 20 miles to 26 miles before...
Four Ways To Reduce Stress and Fatigue by Jeff Galloway
It's natural to become focused on the big things in life, and worry about outside forces, building stress. A few simple lifestyle adjustments can result in greater control over attitude and energy, while reducing stress and fatigue. Yes, you can exert more control over your life, produce positive attitude hormones,...
Running Injury Prevention by Jeff Galloway
Be aware of irritation of weak links.The Key Weak Links are body parts where my runners tend to experience injuries are these: Knees - Feet -Calf - Achilles -Hip - Glute/piriformis/sciaticia. But the body parts that YOU need to be aware of are the sites where you are injured or...
Staying Injury Free During Running by Jeff Galloway
Most injuries experienced by my runners are due to 1) pacing long runs too fast, 2) increasing the weekly mileage too quickly, 3)lengthening stride and 4) stretching. The principle in staying injury free is to balance gentle stress with the right recovery periods-allowing for rebuilding. (for more information, see my...
Avoiding the Exhaustion Wall and More Tips from Jeff Galloway
The training journey for a marathon or half marathon raises your body's physical performance capability and your sense of what you can do in life. Running helps to bring body, mind and spirit together in a unique and wonderful way In researching my book MENTAL TRAINING, I discovered that running...
Running Tips from Olympian Jeff Galloway
Olympian Jeff Galloway has coached over a million runners to their goals through his clinics, wonderful retreats, training programs, books and e-coaching. Here are a few of Jeff's running tips and tricks to motivate your next race: When paced correctly, running delivers the best attitude boost you can get. Sustain...