Hi everyone, I’m Hilary Topper, and you’re listening to Hilary Topper on Air. Today, I’m excited to welcome Theresa Clarke, the founder of Turtle Gloves, a brand known for its incredibly warm and innovative gloves. These gloves are something special—they combine warmth, comfort, and functionality all in one. I can’t...
Find Out What’s New with Vimazi
Episode 514 of Hilary Topper on Air In episode 514, Hilary Topper spoke with Scott Tucker, CEO of VIMAZI, a new sneaker brand. She asked him the following questions: Questions asked: Scott, can you share the story of how Vimazi was born? What inspired you to start this company? 2....
Surgery Again?
Facing the prospect of surgery once again, I'm engulfed in a sea of emotions. I am feeling frustration, anxiety, and a glimmer of hope. It's hard to believe that just last December, I was reeling from brain surgery to address an aneurysm. That was a frightening ordeal that still haunts...
Book Review: Running in the Midpack by Martin Yelling and Anji Andrews
When I got this book, I thought, "when will someone write a book about the back of the pack?" All of the running books are geared for either elite or age-group runners but never about people who just love to run. Although Running in the Midpack - How to be...
Mesa Trail Shoe Review
When I first started running, barefoot running was the craze. Every shoe manufacturer made a natural shoe for running. Then, everything changed and shoe companies started making only cushioned shoes. So, when I found the folks from Xero Shoes at a trade show last year, I was intrigued. They let...
Electrolyte Drink for Endurance Athletes
One of the questions I'm asked often is what is a good electrolyte drink for running or triathlon training and racing? If you only use water or just water with electrolytes, you may be missing out. PhytoLyte, a product made by MoxiLife, has electrolytes, rich vitamins, and minerals. It's a...
Running Outside the Comfort Zone by Susan Lacke
Could you imagine taking a year and running some of the most interesting, yet challenging races around? That's what author, Susan Lacke did and documented it in her new book, Running Outside the Comfort Zone - an explorer's guide to the edges of running, published by VeloPress. Running Outside the...
Slow Runner? Fast Runner? Who Cares?
Nike's message has been Just Do It, which to me says that just doing something is better than not doing anything at all. Recently, with the controversial commercial that Nike just launched with Colin Kaepernick, the message now seems to be "Don't be the Fastest, be the Fastest Ever." Doesn't...
Stryd Power Meter Review
Stryd Power Meter Review Move over Cyclists, there aren't just power meters for bikes any longer, Power meters for runners have been perfected through the years and they are hot! I remember when Stryd started a few years ago and sent me a power meter. I was impressed but found...
Running Alongside the Wineries
In late August, my family and I went to Napa. We took a detour before dropping off my son back at UC Berkeley. On the second day of our visit, I decided to run a short three-mile run. In Napa, they have a bike trail that runs along the railroad,...