First Impressions of the Infinity Seat by Nicole Thomas

First Impressions of the Infinity Seat by Nicole Thomas We have only three contact points with the bike: handle bars, pedals, and seat, with the seat supporting almost all of our weight. So, having a saddle that’s comfortable is essential. Finding a comfortable saddle can also be the most frustrating...

Fast-Track Triathlete With Matt Dixon

Fast-Track Triathlete With Matt Dixon Matt Dixon, one of the world's most famous triathletes and author of several books including The Fast-Track Triathlete, will talk about how busy triathletes can still accomplish their goals with limited time. In Fast-Track Triathlete, elite triathlon coach and workout-life balance expert Matt Dixon unveils...

Movie Review: TRI Movie

When I first saw the trailer for the Tri Movie, I got excited. Finally, a story of a couple of newbie triathletes and what they go through before they do their first triathlon! But when I saw the TRI movie at a cinema in Bayshore recently, I realized the movie...