Hilary Topper on Air (HTOA) just wrapped up Season 12. If you missed any of the podcasts that we highlighted, you can listen by clicking on the link below each description. They were all outstanding and worth listening to either while you run or ride. Let me know if you have any suggestions.
Return to Triathlon and Running Racing
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with Tim Delss of CB MultiSport about returning to triathlon racing. Tim is also the head coach of WeREndurance. While racing stopped for a year during the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s starting to open up again! Learn from Tim what to expect when competing in a race including new guidelines and ways to keep you and your fellow athletes safe. Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/returning-to-triathlon-racing/
Zealios: Hair Care and Skin Care for Endurance Athletes
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with Stacey Kiefer, director of sales at Zealios – a body and hair product company with product offerings designed to endure the intense physical demands that athletes experience in training and competition. Hilary and Stacey talk about Zealios body and hair products and their uses. They discuss the importance of sun protection and how the company works with athletic teams across the country. Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/zealios-body-and-hair-products-for-athletes/
Run, Tri, Bike Intro
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with Jason Bahamundi, President and CEO, and Angela Naeth, Sr. Vice President, of Run•Tri•Bike – a multimedia platform designed to help beginner athletes navigate the world of endurance sports, which include running, cycling and swimming. This episode was sponsored by MoxiLife Nutrition! Listen to the episode here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/runtribike-a-new-magazine/
Varlo Sports Launches Business During Pandemic
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary speaks with Soj Jibowu, Founder & Chief Officer of Varlo, a company producing best-in-class garment products for triathletes, cyclists, and athletes. Hilary and Soj talk about launching a business during COVID-19 and what’s next for the sports apparel company. They also discuss sports apparel for the triathlete or endurance sports enthusiast and what makes Varlo apparel so unique. Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/varlo-sports-apparel-launches-during-pandemic/
Should you buy Bike Insurance?
Hilary interviews Dave Williams, co-founder of Velosurance – a multi-risk bicycle insurance policy provider. Hilary and Dave talk about if you need to ensure your bike and the importance of doing so. They shed light on what is and isn’t covered by a home insurance policy and different scenarios where a bike may or may not be covered. Dave also discusses how insurance claims are handled at Velosurance. Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/should-you-insure-your-bike/
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary interviews Jeff Galloway, America’s Coach for running and walking and inventor of the Run Walk Run method. Jeff will discuss the run walk run method and his newly released book, Galloway’s 5k/10k Running –Training for Runners & Walkers. Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/how-to-train-for-a-5k-or-10k-the-jeff-galloway-run-walk-run-method/
In this episode of Hilary Topper on Air, Hilary interviews ice swimmer, Ed Gabriels, a USAT Level 1 coach for 13 years. Hilary and Ed talk about the exciting worldwide sport of ice swimming. They discuss how Ed got his start in the sport and what you should know if you’re interested in swimming in freezing cold temperatures too! Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/meet-ice-swimmer-ed-gabriels/

Estate Planning for the Endurance Athlete
Who would think that estate planning and endurance events go hand and hand? But they do! Listen in as Deanna Eble of the Russo Law Group talks about what athletes need to know and need to know right now! Listen here: https://www.hilarytopperonair.com/episode/estate-planning-for-triathletes/