Win Best Supplements for Endurance Athletes

Hilary holding

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote about I told you that I was feeling very tired before some of the long swims I had and needed something to keep me going. is a company that was conceived by a swimmer who developed his own supplements. After finding them beneficial and having them tested by scientists, Craig, the owner, brought them to fruition.

Craig has a bunch of stellar flagship supplements that really work. He and I talked about it and decided to hold a contest for the community so that you can give them a try.

The supplements that you can win include:

AFA Formula – is a complex formula supporting a natural lift, support for red blood cell development, blood oxygenation, immune system support, and vasodilation using ALL natural ingredients!

Oxia – is a pure, clean energy vasodilator/blood oxygenator.

Chlorella – is similar to AFA except its prime mover is Chlorella. (I take this after I finish a workout to help boost energy and recovery.)

There will be three prizes awarded which include:

1st Prize, any 3 items of your choice
2nd Prize, any 2 items of your choice
3rd Prize, any single item of your choice

This is a $150 value!

What do you have to do to win?

Go to this landing page and provide your email. The winner will be announced at the end of the month!  If you want to pick it up and try it before the month is out, I can provide you with a 20 percent discount. Use the code Hilary20 for 20 off! 

The winners will be selected at the end of September. Let me know if you have any questions. If not, click on the link below to enter! Good luck!

Hilary’s Giveaway